There are instances when a business or organization thinks that they include all the security that they require on their network or website. For example, if you have ever used PayPal account to reimburse something, you will find out that they have steps in place to assure that everybody is who they articulate they are. This is known as two-factor authentication. The user will be checked and so the website. Banks are very well-known for having two-factor authentication . One of the methods they keep it into use is with establishing a new payment. Even though you are logged onto their representative website and you have fed the proper detail, they will still take you via additional checks to ensure you are an individual doing the payment, not a hacker. E-commerce websites also require two-factor authentication. There are many websites that run on the platforms such as WooCommerce, OpenCart, Magento, etc. and use SMS as their marketing channel, thus to secure their transactions th...